Thursday, June 17, 2010

Travel hint Australia

Cochran Horse Treks

Cochran Horse Treks operate horse treks across the beautiful Snowy Mountains of Australia from homesteads at Yaouk on the east and Khancoban on the west.

Location : From Melbourne follow the Hume Freeway all the way to Wodonga. Travel south east out of Wodonga on the Murray Valley Highway until you reach Bringenbrong and from there head north east until you reach the Snowy Mountains Highway, where you turn right. Stay on the Snowy Mountains Highway until you reach Adaminaby (approx. 20 minutes), then turn onto Yaouk road and head north, until you reach Yaouk.

3 days from 990 Aud. I can't wait to visit the Snowy Mountains :)




  1. Åh, vad roligt att jobba i skobutik, blir lite avis :)

  2. Vad spännande det måste vara med horse treks!
    Hoppas du haft en bra helg!
    / Kram Ida
